Why did no one tell me about gdb-add-index?

I’ve been exploring TensorFlow internals in the past couple of weeks.

Doing that required me to run some python scripts with a debug version of TensorFlow, set some breakpoints, examine some values, modify the script, repeat. You know, general sleuthing.

TensorFlow core functionality is written in C++. The python package is a wrapper around C++ code + libraries at the python layer. The way that python interacts with TensorFlow core is by loading a shared object.

For big objects, and a debug build of TensorFlow is at least 1GB, it can take a while to load them into gdb.

For example (neural_network_raw.py is a small file using TensorFlow):

$ time gdb --ex run --ex quit --args python neural_network_raw.py
real 1m19.613s
user 1m3.667s
sys 0m5.242s


You can solve the problem by running gdb-add-index on the big shared objects. It will preprocess the shared object and append the index as the .gdb_index section.

Use it like this:

$ gdb-add-index venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/libtensorflow_framework.so
$ gdb-add-index venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.so


$ time gdb --ex run --ex quit --args python neural_network_raw.py
real 0m15.974s
user 0m12.916s
sys 0m2.541s

Each time you save a minute. Not bad.

How did I just learn about this now?